it seems that you to stringified your json data.
webix.ajax().put(url, JsonTypeData, cbk) failed
webix.ajax().put(url,JSON.stringify( JsonTypeData), cbk) works.
The “content-type” header of the ajax call has to be set to “application/json”. If not, the javascript object that is passed as params will not be stringified as JSON.
To do that, you have to do something like this:
var ajx = new webix.ajax();
ajx.headers({ “content-type”: “application/json” });
ajx.put(url, jsObj, cbk);
Yep, by default webix.ajax sends data as form-urlencoded. If you want to send data as serialized JSON, you need to specify application/JSON
Also, if you are using an URL as “save” parameter of some component you can use
{ view:"list", save:"json->data.php" }
As result for all data saving operations, data.php will be called and modified object will be sent to a server side as JSON serialization