Hi, i am trying to call a page via ajax into multiview. But no luck. Is there any way to do it? As sample below, put all content in page 2 into page 1 via ajax load.
Second question, is there any webix method same as jquery.load ?
Thank you
Page 1 : http://webix.com/snippet/f7a36eec
Page 2 : http://webix.com/snippet/246b1ccc
(1) You can use webix.ajax() method to get the configuration of the multiview cells and then rebuild the multiview. Check the snippet, please: http://webix.com/snippet/893d5f51
(2) You can either:
webix.ajax("data/data.php", function(text){ var data = data.json() ; datatable.parse(data); });
use datatable’s load method to load the data;
define data url in the datatable configuration: http://docs.webix.com/samples/15_datatable/01_loading/03_db_data.html