All Accordion is closing automatically.


Sample App :

This sample I want to change the content of Row 1, using two button, first button (UpdateRow1) should change the content to “Terms & Condition1” , now when I should click second button (UpdateRow11) the it should change the content or Row 1 to “Terms & Condition2”

But the problem here is when I click second button all the accordion is closing and it is not opening.

Please help us, because we need this urgently.

You can use setHTML API of template to change the content instead of recreating the UI

Hello Maksim,

We are using webix v.3.0.1, please share the solution in the same version as I can see, the snippet is running in 3.0.6

Have you tried to use the same code with Webix 3.0.1 ?
There is no reason to not update code to the next minor version, as such updates do contain only bug fixes

Yes Maksim,

I have tried the code in 3.0.1 and seems the issue is same.

We are getting the below exception:

Uncaught TypeError: $$(…).getChildViews(…)[0].setHTML is not a function

I have checked the code from my snippet and it does work with Webix 3.0.1