Hi. How i can to bind an angular property ( like $scope.appname ) to any object (like this :
{ view: “label”, label: “Login”, align: ‘left’ } ) from JS Controller (i create UI from JS function) ?
Thank’s a lot.
Hi. How i can to bind an angular property ( like $scope.appname ) to any object (like this :
{ view: “label”, label: “Login”, align: ‘left’ } ) from JS Controller (i create UI from JS function) ?
Thank’s a lot.
There is no built in way to bind scope vars to the UI configuration.
You can use code like next, but it Is a bit verbose
{ id:"topLabel", view: "label", label: "Login", align: 'left' }
$scope.$watch('myVar', function() {
$$("topLabel").define("label", $scope.appname);
Ok. Thank you!