angular + webix button click event

I seem to be having some difficulty in making the click event work with my angular controller. The snippet has the details:

The button api docs don’t say that there is a click event available for the button either:

I suppose it’s an issue because the webix ui button is a combination of the button element and a div element, though from my understanding click events should work on div elements as well with ng-click.

Ok, it should be

webix-event="onItemClick = yourFunction()"

I should have looked at the complex angularjs example.

First, you can’t use ng-click and can use just a click attribute

<div view="button" click="someMethod"

Which will call $scope.someMethod()
Next version will understand both formats “someMethod” and “someMethod()”

Also, I have confirmed and fixed issue with “window” control, inside of which $scope was not resolved and above doesn’t work - fix will be available as part of the next build

Fixed build ( v.1.5.1 ) is available at github - Releases · webix-hub/webix · GitHub