Assistance Needed: Integrating Webix Trial Version with React App

I am currently exploring the Webix framework for building user interfaces in my React application. I have downloaded the trial version of Webix and I’m eager to integrate it into my project.

However, I’m facing challenges in integrating the Webix trial version with my React application. Despite downloading the trial version zip file, I couldn’t find clear instructions on how to incorporate it into my project.

Could you please provide guidance or instructions on how to set up the Webix trial version within a React application? Any documentation, tutorials, or step-by-step guides would be greatly appreciated.

Hello @developersanjay25,

Here you can find a guide of React Integration.

If you have any new questions, we will be happy to answer them!

I apologize for the confusion. I am inquiring about integrating Webix trial version with React. How can I access the Webix trial version in React?

The trial version is no different in functionality from the paid version, so there are no differences from the examples and descriptions in the documentation. The only difference is the connection way.
Having a pro-license or using the GPL, you can install Webix via npm as a dependency in the project.
When downloading the archive of the trial version, js/css files must be added to the project.
Here you’ll find examples of integrating widgets from the main library into React without Complex Widgets.

Please note that in the case of connecting Complex Widgets, webix must be a global variable, and not just connected to a separate module: