Hi webix team, in the snipped http://webix.com/snippet/7a5cc228 I have a DataView and take the windows resize event and the element width to calculate the new element width and adjust it to the viewport. But it doesn’t work. Do you have a tip for me? Thanks
In such case, you can just set the particular xCount
and type:{ width:"auto" }
Please check the related part of the documentation: http://docs.webix.com/desktop__dimensions.html#autosizing
Hi Listopad, thanks for your tip, but in this case I need xCount dynamic with one, two or three rows concerning the width of the viewport to get a responsive dataview. How to do this? Thanks Rainer
Unfortunately, we found an issue with setting the xCount.
The new xCount value won’t be applied until the size of the component is changed. We will include the fix in the upcoming release.
Afterward, the following solution will work:
Hi Listopad, it works great, a lot of thanks, Rainer
I have a quite similar, but not exactly the same, request:
I have a dataView that shows a list of item. Each item has its own tempalte defined as a webix.type. I want the dataview
- to have one column
- to be as high as necessary to show all elements
- to have no scrollbar. No inner scolling at all.
Remark: The data is loaded from a server.
Hello, was this fixed in any release? Currently using version 7.2 and observe same issue. Thanks