Backbone Models

Hi am considering using Backbone with Webix.
You documentation covers Backbone Collections, Views, and Routers.
However, it omits Backbone Models.

Question: is it possible to bind a Backbone Model to a webix ui component.
e.g: can you bind the value of a text component to a Backbone Model?

There is no built in solution for now.
It possible to set the event handlers on both Backbone Model and Webix component and sync them when necessary, it will require a bit of custom coding though.

We will consider adding such functionality in future.

This is how I’m doing it currently.
It works, but I’m thinking that there ought to be a way to do this without needing the view id’s.

    var model1 = new Backbone.Model()  

     var WebixView1 = WebixView.extend({
        el: '#div1',
        config: {
            rows: [
                { id: "details", template: function (obj) {
                    return obj.message;
        afterRender: function () {
            model1.on('change', function (model) {
                $$("details").data = model.attributes

    new WebixView1().render()

    setInterval(function () {
        model1.set({message:  new Date() + ''})
    }, 1000)