I was trying to create a suggestive search box based/binded to the data in the multiselect list. Such that as i type in the search/filter box only matching entries in the multiselect list show up and the item selected also appears in the search/filter box. Can someone please provide an working example how to create the same. Many thanks in advance!
The searchbox above would be something similar to : Chosen: A jQuery Plugin by Harvest to Tame Unwieldy Select Boxes “multiple select” feature here…
Please check the sample: http://docs.webix.com/samples/60_pro/02_form/06_multicombo.html
And the related filter for the datatable, if needed: http://docs.webix.com/samples/60_pro/01_datatable/03_filters/08_filter_multicombo.html
Hi @Helga ,
many thanks for your reply. I could get this far: http://webix.com/snippet/555b1e50 Currently in this example, both the multicombo and multiselect List share the same data. What i am trying to achieve is: 1) that once I select any item in the multicombo list that item should not appear in the List below 2)if I select some item in the List that item should appear in the multicombo box as selected and shown in the textbox.
Would request you to be kind enough help me implement this behavior…
You can use view events to achieve this: http://webix.com/snippet/5d35bad6