Blocking a selection of Column in DataTable


How do I block a user from selecting a certain columns in a datatable?



You can use onBeforeSelect event, returning false from it will prevent the selection

I have tried this earlier. Can you please post code for two columns, Multiselect is true and I need to prevent the selecting of the first column.


You can check

Thank you. However, this does not work if select:“cell”,

It just requires a small modification for such case

Great! Thanks a Lot!

Suggestion: Maybe you can have select:false as part of the column property.

Can you share the practical scenario, where blocking selection for some column will be useful ? I may be wrong, but it does look as quite specific use-case.

We have a scenario where certain column data is loaded from standards like ISO 9000. The user cannot overwrite these columns by mistake while copying and pasting.

Yep, I see.
Probably we will add ability to mark some columns strictly “readonly”, so they will ignore any attempt to change their value.

I came across the problem of the user probably copying and pasting into a cell that is uneditable, is there a fix for this since?