Bug: checkbox readonly does not work


as described in Documentation, all form elements can have readonly property.
On checkboxes this does not work.

(disabled property works, but displays it - including the label - greyed. thats not so beautifully for my purpose.)

Same Bug is with checkbox in Datatable. Is editable, even if data table itself is NOT editable.

Problem with ui.checkbox confirmed and fixed. Fix will be included in the oncoming Webix 1.9

could i get a 1.9 “beta” version?

It was released yesterday.

Thank you for new release.

I can’t confirm that the bug is fixed. Neither in Datatable nor in form.
Still checkbox is open to edit on “readonly”


checkbox-readonly-bug still persists. can you confirm that bug? Will there be a fix for that?

thank you,

Which skin you are using ? It works with default one

As for checkboxes in DataTable - their behavior was not updated in Webix 1.9


but i am using in data table and so fixed it by workaround by myself…

Suggesting this workaround to implement in WEBIX standard:

  1. to the $init of datatable:

this.attachEvent(“onBeforeRender”, function () {
var editable = this.config.editable;
this.config.columns.forEach(function (col) {
col.editable = editable;
by this, the editable property is set to each and every column.

  1. in the template of a checkbox column you now can Check if enabled is set

step 1) is nessecery, because you have no access to datatable config in datatable column template ( http://forum.webix.com/discussion/7387/datatable-column-template-access-to-datatable-config )

checkbox readonly works with these skins: flat, material, compact. when other skins are applied, checkbox loses its skin and readonly setting.


“readonly” for inputs prevents you from editing a field’s value, not from changing checked state:


Flat, material and compact skins use custom checkboxes. For html checkboxes you need to use “disabled”:
