Im sorting in a PHP script the data reported to Webix by accessing the GET Parameter “Sort”, using dynamic loading.
Since Webix 1.8 the behavior is wrong. The first call (w/o “continue” parameter) to Server does not contain the Sort-Parameter.
With 1.7 everything was fine concerning this issue.
my workaround is to set a own parameter (my_sort[sortfield]=asc) in a onBeforeSort Trigger, and catch my_sort instead of sort on server side.
But would be nice if default would work
If you are using load command - client will not add any extra parameters to url on its own. “sort” and “filter” parameters added only for auto-generated queries.
Can you please share a snippet of code, where it is expected that component will include “sort” parameter for the first data loading call. Are you sorting the datatable and calling the load command after that ?
Sorry, but I still don’t see why in the above case the initial url must have sort parameter.
The DataTable was not sorted, so the url goes as is. After sorting any column - the url will contain sort attribute.
Yes, but if you enter a (Serverside) Filter, the pulling of Data starts over again - but in this case it starts without sorting… and in 1.7 it had correctly that sort parameter then, in 1.8 it does NOT.