Bug: header does not collapse if it is the only row element

As the title says, headers in an accordion view will not collapse if they are the only element in a row layout. See this snippet: http://webix.com/snippet/b4f012f2

It’s a pretty minor bug since it can be solved just by getting rid of the containing row view or inserting a blank row, but it was something I came across.

You have 3 cells in the top level accordion, one with header panel, resizer and bottom layout. When you are collapsing the top panel, both header and bottom panel stay visible, so, technically, all is correct ( you can collapse last panel, but in your case there are two more view which are visible )

Also if you need to have only one cell, why do you need to use an accordion in the first place? When you have a panel with collapse button, it provide a visual clue for the user, that panel can be collapsed. It may be better to use a static header, if there is no way to collapse the panel.


I’m afraid I don’t quite understand what you’re saying. I didn’t notice earlier, but my top panel was actually a single row too which is probably the source of this confusion. My bad for not making that clearer…

The bottom section is what I was talking about though. It doesn’t collapse in your snippet or my snippet. The reason seems to be because it is contained in a row view but is the only row element.