Bug in suggest for combo - unable to select values with double quotes using mouse.

You can’t select value with double quote using mouse. It is also not highlighted in suggest list while navigating using keyboard (up & down keys). Here’s the snippet:

It is a problem with the autogenerated item id - it uses the same text as the value and it breaks when there is a double quote in the id.

Specifying an id will fix the problem: http://webix.com/snippet/0c20686f

I guess that fixing processing records with double quotes in ID and/or generating IDs without double quotes will “fix” the the issue.

The problem originates on the level of Webix JSON data parser. In case of plain array it generates a record like { id:str, value:str}, which leads to drawing and other issues: http://webix.com/snippet/eccd97a6

We will consider changing or escaping automatic IDs of data items. For now I can recommend you to specify the IDs explicitely, as reycri suggested.