Bug on Datatable with onAfterScroll Event?

Hi webix team, in the snipped http://webix.com/snippet/307cda88 I have a multiview with a dataview and a datatable. When you start the snipped the onAfterScroll event fire two times, but I don’t have scrolled. Please help. Thanks Rainer

Hi, do you have a fix for my problem? thanks Rainer


I can confirm the bug. We will include the fix into the next version.

Thanks Helga, do you have a workaround for me to fix this problem in my current customer project? Thanks Rainer

You can either rearrange the cells of your multiview : http://webix.com/snippet/b638c522

Or, temporarily block events during the .show call: http://webix.com/snippet/e4fbe24a

Please, note that in case of blocking events all the view events will be blocked. So, it’s not a good solution if you have a handler for the onViewShow.

Thanks Helga, this helps me a lot


If you are using the Pro version, you can grab the Webix 4.2.6 Pro from your client area with the fix included.

Hi webix team, the problem with the datatable and the onAfterScroll Event is since version 5 solved, but with version 6 the onAfterScroll Event fires several times on the Dataview element when you scroll one time. Please look at the snippet https://snippet.webix.com/9f75yjt0 Thanks for help

Hello @RainerRoss ,

We have tested the issue, but everything works as well. When you scroll one item the event, accordingly, appears one time.
Could you, please, clarify which browser (+version) and OS do you use?

Hi Nastja,

the issue appear in the DataView not in the DataTable

my OS is Win 10 Pro Version 1809

my webix Version is 6.3.2

The Issue appear in

Firefox 66.0.5,
Chrome 73.0.3683

when you include webix.CustomScroll.init() it works fine

Hi Nastja,

the issue appear in the DataView not in the DataTable

my OS is Win 10 Pro Version 1809

my webix Version is 6.3.2

The Issue appear in

Firefox 66.0.5,
Chrome 73.0.3683

when you include webix.CustomScroll.init() it works fine

Hi Rainer,

the onAfterScroll Event fires several times on the Dataview element when you scroll one time

It is true for older Webix versions as well (you can check them in the snippet tool until v4.3), so I can say that the behaviour is expected.

The Dataview widget uses native scrollbars, and the “onAfterScroll” event fires each time browser “scroll” event is caught. Datatable uses its own scrollbars, that’s why they behave differently. Custom scroll is custom scroll for both :slight_smile:

I can recommend you checking the scroll state and then perform any logic, if the value is appropriate: Code Snippet

Hi Helga,
thanks for the Information. I solve the problem with webix.CustomScroll.init() for the DataView