I made a simple test to reproduce this issue. Click ‘Open’ button, the first time the data is shown ok. then you close the pannel and open again the data disappear.
id: "Services",
view: "form",
elements: [{
view: "toolbar", height: 30, paddingY: 1,
css: "toolbar",
cols: [{ view: "button", label: "Open", width: 100, click: onOpen}]
var classPanelData = [
{ view: "toolbar", height: 30, paddingY: 1,
css: "toolbarBtn",
cols: [
{ view: "button", label: "New", width: 100 },
{ view: "button", label: "Modify", width: 100 },
{ view: "button", label: "Remove", width: 100 }
{ view: "datatable",
select: "row",
resizeColumn: true,
multiselect: true,
columns: [
{ id: "name", header: "Name", width: 150 },
{ id: "commands", header: "Commands", fillspace: true }
data: [{ name: "s1", commands: "test"},
{ name: "s2", commands: "test..."}]
function onOpen() {
var panel = webix.ui({
id: 'clsEdit',
view: "window",
width: document.body.clientWidth - 50,
height: document.body.clientHeight - 100,
head: {
view: "toolbar", cols: [
{ view: "label", label: "Service Class Edit" },
{ view: "button", label: "Close", width:60,
click: "$$('clsEdit').close();"
body: {
rows: classPanelData
panel.show({ x: 25, y: 5 });