Bug: serverFilter text input corrupted during load, cursor navigation

  • serverFilter text input is loosing chars during ajax call
  • cursor navigation is off on dataTables with navigation: true

as reported here as topic (1):

please help. promised bugfix in 2.2.1 is not working

Yep, somehow fixes was not included in Webix 2.2.1
I have sent you a link to a dev. build by private message.

Same fixes will be included in the next build for sure.

Thank you. Better, but still not good:

Especially when the server needs some time for answer, key types go lost during typing.

Cursor movement works again. Thats good.

But after server answer has been rendered, the cursor is positioned at the end of field. that makes some strange experience when editing filter values.

i looked myself into webix_debug.js V2.2.2
in line 17343 i commented out the line to set Value

// if (value.value) this.setValue(node, value.value);

after that little change the server filter work OK without irritating cursor movements.

Thanks for the code snippet.

Similar solution added to Webix 2.2.3