bug:datepicker: time lost when stringResult:true and timepicker:true

when set stringResult=true and timepicker=true then load and save will lost time.

i try to fix this bug:
in function $setValue
var datetimeMode = this._settings.timepicker;
var formatDate = (timeMode?webix.i18n.timeFormatDate:(datetimeMode? webix.i18n.fullDateFormatDate:webix.i18n.parseFormatDate));
var formatStr = (timeMode?webix.i18n.timeFormatStr:(datetimeMode? webix.i18n.fullDateFormatStr:webix.i18n.parseFormatStr));

in function getValue

var formatStr = (this._settings.type == “time”?webix.i18n.timeFormatStr:(this._settings.timepicker? webix.i18n.fullDateFormatStr:webix.i18n.parseFormatStr));

but datepicker’s format setting can not work with stringResult:true and timepicker:true


We confirmed the bug. We will fix it in the next build.

Sorry for inconvenience.

many thanks.

Fix was released as part of Webix 2.2.1
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