Bug with position: flex - doesn't resize when markup container size changes

Demo at http://webix.com/snippet/4f063a65

If you drag the resizer, the tree won’t expand horizontally. Only if you resize the browser viewport, will the tree resize.

a) there is no such thing as “position:flex”

b) in this snippet you are placing ui element inside of template which breaks resizing chain ( template is not linked to the inner component ). If you want to have correct sizing - you need to init component directly in the layout’s cell.


a) that’s funny - you gave such an example with position: flex in the snippet from this answer. Someone else used position: 'flex' in a different question too.

b) thanks!

As mentioned post states

This is actually a not documented side effect

There was not support of “flex” position, but there was a side effect of using “position” attribute with any value, which was removed in next versions.

I enjoyed the side effect of automatic resizing. What will be the correct way of achieving that in the next versions?

The same effect can be mimicked with the next code


That resizes the tree only when I resize the window, but not when I drag the resizer.

Original solution with position:flex do the same

When you placing view in the html container, it will not react to parent container resize ( as there is no DOM event for HTML element resizing, and the component has not any known Webix parent component )

There’s a bug with that snippet - the height of the component in creases with every resize. I’ve created a separate thread to track it.