Calendar/Scheduler Loading data from serialized JSON

Good afternoon,
I have been working on the Calendar/Scheduler and would like some assistance on loading data into the calendar events and calendars in the calendar. I have created the events and calendars tables on my database with all the exact keys used for the events and calendars. I’m using ColdFusion 2018, getting data from my database table for the events and calendars, placing the data in a struct, and then using the ‘serializeJSON’ to create the proper format for the calendar to read. I can load the data from a file, but after reading documentation, cannot figure out what to use to load the events and calendars from my JSON strings. Here is my code below:
← database queries that extract the events and the calendars form the tables →

<cfquery datasource="#datasourceName#" name="getCalendarEvents">
	FROM gup_calendar_events
<cfquery datasource="#datasourceName#" name="getCalendars">
	FROM gup_calendars
<cfset responseE = []> --> struct to hold the events
<cfset responseC = []> --> struct to hold the calendars

<cfloop query="getCalendarEvents"> --> place the events data in the structure

	<cfset responseE[currentrow]["origin_id"] = #origin_id#>
	<cfset responseE[currentrow]["recurring"] = #recurring#>
	<cfset responseE[currentrow]["all_day"] = #all_day#>
	<cfset responseE[currentrow]["calendar"] = #calendar#>
	<cfset responseE[currentrow]["units"] = #units#>
	<cfset responseE[currentrow]["section"] = #section#>
	<cfset responseE[currentrow]["color"] = #color#>
	<cfset responseE[currentrow]["details"] = #details#>
	<cfset responseE[currentrow]["text"] = #text#>
	<cfset responseE[currentrow]["id"] = #id#>
	<cfset responseE[currentrow]["end_date"] = #end_date#>
	<cfset responseE[currentrow]["start_date"] = #start_date#>	 
<cfloop query="getCalendars"> --> place the calendar data in the struct
	<cfset responseC[currentrow]['id'] = #id#>
	<cfset responseC[currentrow]['text'] = #text#>	
	<cfset responseC[currentrow]['color'] = #color#>
	<cfset responseC[currentrow]['active'] = #active#>
	<cfset responseC[currentrow]['value'] = #value#>
<cfset serialJE = SerializeJSON(responseE,"struct")> --> JSON serialize the events
<cfset serialJC = SerializeJSON(responseC,"struct")> --> JSON serialize the calendars
	<cfset resultE = #serialJE#>  --> Place the formatted JSON string into a variable
	<cfset resultC = #serialJC#> --> Place the formatted JSON string into a variable

			webix.ready(function() {
<-- This is where I need help, I can load from a file just fine, I need to know what to use to load	from my formatted JSON strings above -->		
				class MyBackend extends {
					events(params) {
						return webix
							.then(res => res.json());
					calendars() {
						return webix
							.then(res => res.json());
					rows: [
							view: "scheduler",
							compact: true,
							width: 450,
							date: new Date(),
							override: new Map([[, MyBackend]])

Any help would be greatly appreciated.



Quick update, incase anyone is in the same situation. I just wrote the serialized JSON struct results to a new file that then is loaded by the events(params) function:

<cfquery datasource="#dataSourceName#" name="getCalendarEvents">
	FROM gup_calendar_events
<cfquery datasource="#dataSourceName#" name="getCalendars">
	FROM gup_calendars
<cfset responseE = []>
<cfset responseC = []>

<cfloop query="getCalendarEvents">
	<cfset responseE[currentrow]["start_date"] = #start_date#>	
	<cfset responseE[currentrow]["end_date"] = #end_date#>
	<cfset responseE[currentrow]["id"] = #id#>
	<cfset responseE[currentrow]["text"] = #text#>
	<cfset responseE[currentrow]["details"] = #details#>
	<cfset responseE[currentrow]["color"] = #color#>
	<cfset responseE[currentrow]["calendar"] = #calendar#>
	<!----<cfset responseE[currentrow]["origin_id"] = #origin_id#>
	<cfset responseE[currentrow]["recurring"] = #recurring#>
	<cfset responseE[currentrow]["all_day"] = #all_day#>
	<cfset responseE[currentrow]["units"] = #units#>
	<cfset responseE[currentrow]["section"] = #section#> ----> 
<cfloop query="getCalendars">
	<cfset responseC[currentrow]['id'] = #id#>
	<cfset responseC[currentrow]['text'] = #text#>	
	<cfset responseC[currentrow]['color'] = #color#>
	<cfset responseC[currentrow]['active'] = #active#>
	<cfset responseC[currentrow]['value'] = #value#>
<cfset variable1 = 0>
<cfset serialJE = SerializeJSON(responseE,"struct")>
<cfset serialJC = SerializeJSON(responseC,"struct")>
	<cfset resultE = #serialJE#>
	<cfset resultC = #serialJC#>
<cffile action="write" file="<File Path>/NewJsonE.json" output="#resultE#"> 
<cffile action="write" file="<File Path>/NewJsonC.json" output="#resultC#">

// Loading the data form the file using the MyBackend class
webix.ready(function() {
				class MyBackend extends {
					events(params) {
						return webix
							.then(res => res.json());
					calendars() {
						return webix
							.then(res => res.json());