Can I capture screenshot of the page?

Can I capture screenshot of the page in 64base string?

Actually Base64 do not refer to the Webix at all. I can suggest only toPNG method to capture the entire view:

@Listopad, what if I want to upload/attach this image to a form?

You can try to use HTML2Canvas library

Webix did not invent a bicycle itself and uses this library for export to Png, so you can modify the existing method to webix.toBase64:

webix.toBase64 = function(id, name){
    webix.require("", true);
  var view = webix.$$(id);
  var node = view ? view.$view : webix.toHTML(id);
  return window.html2canvas(node).then(function(canvas) {
    var screenshot = canvas.toDataURL(); 
    return  screenshot;