Can not include more filemanager in one page?

There’s some issue when you include more filemanager in one page.

Sorry, it is not clear which problem do you mean.

Do you have some problem with initializing more than one file manager component per page?

Yes, some problem with more than on file manager component per page. May be I have fixed this issue.

line 878:
					//struct[arrName] = this._getViewConfig(webix.copy(this.structure[cells]),config);
					struct[arrName] = this._getViewConfig(this.structure[cells],config);
					cells = struct[arrName];
line 1519:
	_getViewConfig: function(view,config){

		var viewConfig = view.config||view;
		//return (typeof(viewConfig)=="function"?,config):viewConfig);
		return (typeof(viewConfig)=="function"?,config):webix.copy(viewConfig));


Thanks for the solution you posted. It is correct and we will add this fix into the next build.

HI Maria, thanks for confirm!