Cannot init window from AngularJS/HTMLmarkup ?


Using Webix 2.0.0, I cannot init and show a window from AngularJS/HTML markup. Other components appear to work.
Here goes the snippet, it’s messed since I tried a lot of things before gave up:
All I want is to be able to show the login screen, i.e. the “window” view. What should I be doing ?


Yep, it seems we have a problem with window initialization from HTML, it is not created correctly. As workaround you can try to use a bit different strategy -

Here windows configuration stored in the scope, and html content for window taken from HTML page

Hello maksim,

Thanks for your answer. Now window is appearing, however, form controls are not showing up, so that was not that helpful.
Any suggestions ?


If you really want to use Webix UI elements in the form - add webix-ui attributes to the related tags.

Still, mixing html contents and webix UI is not a good idea, as nested UI controls will miss auto-sizing ability in such case.