I use custom skin created by skin editor.
After some changes I constantly get the message:
“Uncaught TypeError: Cannot set property ‘skin’ of undefined”
What to fix?
I use custom skin created by skin editor.
After some changes I constantly get the message:
“Uncaught TypeError: Cannot set property ‘skin’ of undefined”
What to fix?
What kind of changes cause the issue? Could you share the skin?
But first of all, make sure that your CSS/js files are included properly.
See please the skin: http://webix.com/skin-builder/9e5f5e2d
Webix.js downloaded contains the line that causes the error:
webix.skin.flat.js.skin=//[Skin Customization]
webix.skin.flat.js is undefined
First of all, try to add skin.js to your page and retrieve the original webix.js file. It’s a common way to include the new skin to the Webix Pro apps and it shouldn’t cause any issues.
OK, will try
Having the same issue: https://webix.com/skin-builder/3a4a9f3e
It looks that both skin.js and webix.js are broken. How can it be resolved?
I also encountered this issue, after inspecting the content in skin.js, it is obviously malformed, and some of the content are duplicated. Something is wrong during the generation.
Take https://webix.com/skin-builder/3a4a9f3e as example, I revised the skin.js to the following content and no more error.
//[Skin Customization]
webix.skin.compact.barHeight = 34;
webix.skin.compact.tabbarHeight = 34;
webix.skin.compact.rowHeight = 24;
webix.skin.compact.listItemHeight = 28;
webix.skin.compact.inputHeight = 30;
webix.skin.compact.layoutMargin.wide = 5;
webix.skin.compact.layoutMargin.space = 5;
webix.skin.compact.layoutPadding.space = 5;