Cant edit cell after press "TAB"

Hello. I am facing with problem below:

  • I have a datatable. And i press “TAB” to change cell.
  • Datatable can edit, edit by cell, edit by “click”, cell editor is “text”. The special is clipboard: "custom",
  • I change cell by press “TAB”. It’s show as editing but without blinking cursor. I have to press Enter. First time it done edit. Second time i press Enter it go to “Edit” mode with blinking cursor.

I want to edit right after press “TAB”. Pls help

Hello @duynq2197,

Because by default edit right after press “TAB” is working fine, could you please provide us a snippet with problem in our snippet tool? Thanks in advance!

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Hello every body.

I found a solution from another post.

webix.editors.text.focus = function () {
	setTimeout(() => {
	}, 5);

this code will help problem with clipboard: “custom” disapear