Carousel: remove dots, and custom arrows

How can I remove the dots?

How can I customize the next/previous arrows? Maybe I want to disable one or the other, maybe i want to prevent looping back to the first item, maybe I want to put buttons with labels in their place. I am trying to create a step-by-step wizard and the Carousel looks like a good widget.


You may use multiview instead, it has the same ability to change the visible slide, but instead of UI it has an API for navigation, so you can use any custom UI.

You can set navigation: false for your carousel. In this case dots and arrows will be removed. And it will be possible to change a visible view via show() method.

Please check demo.

In Maria’s example, there are still arrows on the main view.
I will experiment with Maksim’s suggestion…a MultiView.

So, getting back to my earlier post on putting a Footer on a Window:

I would like to put the wizard buttons in the Footer and align them to the right. The buttons will drive the MultiView on the Window. How can I accomplish this?

Actually nevermind. I just used the Window example with the times-circle icon in the header that acts like a button.