center button

Hi, i have a layout with a row with 3 buttons…i want to center each of them but i do not want to set inputWidth of the button. I want to autoadjust each of them.

Until now, unless i set inputWidth i do not know how to do this…

anyone can help me please?

and each of them has a popup asociated.

this is my code:

_indexUI.elements.menuServicios =
    type: "clean",
    id: "menuServiciosLayOut",
            id: "menuServicios",
            height: 40,
                { view: "button", type: "image", id: "ibInformacion", image: "resources/Android/drawable-ldpi/informacion_circulo.png", align: "center", css: "transparente", label: "Info-Noticias", popup: "popupServiciosInformacion" },
                { view: "button", type: "image", id: "ibOpinion", image: "resources/Android/drawable-ldpi/opinion_circulo.png", align: "center", css: "transparente", label: "Opinión", popup: "popupServiciosOpinion" },
                { view: "button", type: "image", id: "ibCiudadania", image: "resources/Android/drawable-ldpi/ayuda_circulo.png", align: "center", css: "transparente", label: "Serv. Ciudadanos", popup: "popupServiciosAyudaCiudadana" }



you can use minWidth and/or maxWidth property for your buttons. Also you will need to add spacers into cols layout, for example as in:

thanks Maria!!