I am trying to change the image based on the list… ie. when I click on Leukemia the image should change. How can I do this?
Thanks and Happy Holidays!
First Page webix.ui({
{ gravity: 4},
{ view:"button", type:"iconButton", icon:"envelope", label:"Mail" },
{ view:"button", type:"iconButton", icon:"users", label:"Users" },
{ view:"button", type:"iconButton", icon:"cog", label:"Cog" }
view: "list",
width: 200,
template: "#cancer# #stain#",
select: true,
data: [
{id:1, cancer:"Leukemia", stain:"H&E"},
{id:2, cancer:"Blastoma", stain:"H&E"},
{id:3, cancer:"Glioma", stain:"H&E"},
{id:4, cancer:"Sarcoma", stain:"H&E"},
{id:5, cancer:"Lymphoma", stain: "GMS"},
{id:6, cancer:"Carcinoma", stain: "MPO"}
on: {"onItemClick": function () {alert("item has just been clicked");}}
template:"<img src=\"pic_mountain.jpg\" alt=\"Mountain View\" style=\"width:1000px;height:800px;\">"