That example show a fully functional tree list on the left side of the app. I tried to build similar with treetable here . In that example I drag and drop one item on another to make it it’s child. But after I press the connect button again to reconnect, the item will back to its place.
Well that was surprising though. so the job is to translate that datatable to webix data format.
So I found this interesting code
function organizetree(a) {
var r = [];
var c = {};
for (var i = 0; i < a.length; i++) {
c[a[i].id] = a[i];
if (!a[i].data)
a[i].data = [];
if (!a[i].parent)
else if (a[i].parent === '0') {
a[i].parent = undefined;
for (var i = 0; i < a.length; i++) {
if (a[i].parent) {
var e = c[a[i].parent];
return r;
It should be used to translate the code into the webix format. So I guess I have to modify some the odata configuration first.
But I still haven’t figured out how to translate back webix format back to table.