According to the Docs under UI Extensions, there is a Webix component to support CKEditor. However, when I follow the instructions to implement this extension, I get the following error:
I updated to the latest version from Github and followed the instructions above. However, I notice that if I switch to a different browser tab and then return, or if I resize the layout using the resizer widget, the CKEditor reverts to a plain textbox. Any idea if there’s a fix for that?
do you now how to add JustifyLeft etc. to that list. I did it but ckeditor ignores it
JustifyLeft is a part of the Justify plugin, which means that the plugin should be downloaded and enabled via the CKEditor configuration object. Here is a step-by-step guide on how you can enable plugins for the CDN version of the editor - JS+ widgets and scripts for your website.
According to the CKEditor 4 docs, the justify (which allows using these buttons in the toolbar) is an extra plugin that is not included by default and should be added manually to the editor.
Unfortunately, for now our integration does not support extraPluginsproperty. We will improve ti as soon as possible, but as an instant solution, please see the following example:
I’ll still sucks in thie extra plugin problem for the ckeditor. The plugin has the ability to load images from inside a specific folder and place this image somewhere the text. But I can’t solve this without your help.
I got the webix.protoUI({ name:‘ckeditor’, …});
in there I have this:
this._3rd_editor = CKEDITOR.replace( tid , {
toolbar: this.config.toolbar,
extraPlugins: this.config.extraPlugins,
language: this.config.language,
width:this.$width -2,
height:this.$height - 44,
filebrowserBrowseUrl: true,
imageBrowser_listUrl: ‘/Postoffice/imageList’,
The this.config.extraPlugins is a string list of some extraplugin names.