Combo box which can add new values dynamically


I have a combo. Here are my requirements:

  1. The combo dropdown is blank(empty) initially.
  2. User should be able to type in a value that is not included in the list and that should add the item to the list.

Is there any control that allows me to do so?

Currently, I’m using a ‘suggest’ with a ‘text’. But I’m not able to get the current list items in the suggest dropdown to add new value to that. How can I get that?

Please help me!!!
Thanks a lot…

My Code:

{ view:“text”, width:400, label: ‘State’, labelPosition:“top”,
stringResult:true, id: ‘stateCombo’, suggest: states,
value:name, on: {
onBlur: function() {
states.push({id: (states.length+1), value:count});
// var list = $$(“stateCombo”).getPopup().getList(); // breaking here
// list.clearAll();
// list.parse(states);

Using suggest box and text editor is the best solution for your use-case.

Check the updated snippet

you was on the right track, just instead of using .parse you can use .add to add the new option to the list.

Hello Maksim.

I tried this but isn’t that good. when fill in one new option it should be triggered as change so I can add it in the list and can store this into db.
is there another solution for this?

Thank you

Hello @Michael ,
From 9.2 version the new values can be added to a “combo” view with newValues property enabled. Check the example: Code Snippet .

Thank you Mariya.

I didn’t know this. But onChange event how to find out this is a new input value or a selection from a given list?

And this property newValues does this also exists for view: ‘select’?


Hello @Michael ,

And this property newValues does this also exists for view: ‘select’?

newValues is available for multicombo and combo views only. In the documentation we can find out the views for which the property exists this way:

how to find out this is a new input value or a selection from a given list?

If I understood you correctly, you could get the moment when the new value is added via onAfterAdd event of the list: Code Snippet .
newValues can also be saved on the server as “inserted” list items: Code Snippet .

Thanks a lot MariyaDemy. I’ve got it. Mercy