Combo popup on key press in IE`


I am using customized combo in datatable and on keypress while entering value one small popup opens at left hand corner with previous value.
This only happens in IE and not in chrome. Is there any way not show that pop up ? And is this known bug?

Is problem occurs in default samples or only with custom combo in your app ?
In second case please share a link to the demo or code snippet where issue can be checked.
Locally it looks correctly for me.

I am facing the same issue. Please refer following snippet.
This combo dousnot contain function to display any popup. as I have disabled afterrender and showpopup method.
Q) If you press arrow key ‘<-’ or ‘->’ you will get popup with one value that is currently selected. Where it is coming how can I disabled this popup.
Q) If you try to change the value in combo via key board then popup again appear how can I disabled this popup.

This behavior is not a bug.
Combo editor uses ui.suggest control for popup list, and suggest has default key reactions. And it shows popup with all matched records ( in your case it is the one record )

This behavior occurs in all browsers.

how do i disabled this?

The only way to fully disable it - use a text editor, not the combo.

That great but I have radio button that says it want to go on preserve mode where I want text for particular cell and when it says it want to go on overtire mode I want to display combo. So in my actual code I have conditional disabled the combo box popup that work fine just this key press thing annoying user.

Currently there is no way to disable hotkeys in suggest boxes. We will consider adding it as configurable option in the next build.

Also, you can change the editor type dynamically

Please consider closed! I got my ans. I have make this line conditional.
ebix.$$(suggest).linkInput(node.firstChild, true);