Combo, suggest and server-side data loading


I have become a little confused by how to configure the config for a combo box in my form. I would like it to:

  1. display an initial value (I am currently initially supplying this as a single object in the options attribute)
  2. only load the large list of options from the server when the combo is clicked or the input value changed (by typing in the combo).

The combo field in question has many thousands of records, and I would like to avoid pulling them all into the form every time the form loads, however it appears to be tricky as the combo wants to load the suggest URL immediately when it is rendered.

Any advice on how to proceed would be much appreciated, thanks.


you can define url to server-side script as “options” property, for example as in:

view: "combo",
options: "data.php",

Hello Maria,

Unfortunately that does not help, as the combo component loads the options when the form is created. I am looking to only load the options when the component is clicked or edited.

You can use onFocus event handler to load options in the list only after combo comes in focus

Thank you, that is great.