Hi Webix !
I create an ui extend of datatable. I want it config columns from my services ( my services return columns config and ui config with it ).
$init: function (config) {
var me = this;
var dataConfig = config.dataConfig;
var mapid = dataConfig.Mapid;
var layerid = dataConfig.LayerID;
var url = URLSERVICEVECTORMAP + "/map/" + mapid;
webix.ajax().get(URLSERVICEVECTORMAP + "/map/" + mapid, {}, function (t, xml, xhr) {
var mapconfig = JSON.parse(t);
var layers = mapconfig.cacLopBanDo;
var l = $.grep(layers, function (v, i) {
return v.maLopBanDo = layerid;
if (l != undefined || l != null) {
me.configLayer = l;
var cauhinhhienthi = l.cauHinhHienThi;
var lstCol = [];
$.each(cauhinhhienthi, function (j, ch) {
if (ch.showcollapse != '0') {
id: ch.name.toLowerCase(),
header: ch.alias,
width: 50
if (me._columnsString.length > 0) {
var strCol = '';
$.each(me._columnsString, function (i, v) {
strCol += v;
if (i != me._columnsString.length - 1)
strCol += ',';
webix.ajax().get(URLGEODATA + '/' + me.configLayer.maDichVu + '/' + me.configLayer.lopDuLieu, { fields: strCol, page: 1, start: 0, limit: 1000 },
function (text, xml, xhr) {
var data = JSON.parse(text);
me.attachEvent('onBeforeLoad', function () {
me.define('columns', me._columns);
I’m create a layout and i’m add a define of the ui in it. But the define not show
var datatable = webix.ui({
view: "ggridview",
height: 400,
width: '100%',
Mapid: '15',
LayerID: '157'
autoheight: true,
autowidth: true
var layout = webix.ui({
container: "rightPanel",
height: '100%',
width: '100%',
css: 'scrollY',
rows: []
layout.addView(datatable, 0);
Sorry, i’m poor English !
Thanks !