I want to create an ui (datatable or pivot) based on a value of a form control, after the form is submitted. I tried the following, within form_submit() function that is triggered byclicking the submit button:
// outType is the RichSelect value from the submitted form
switch(outType) {
case “datatable”:
var results = {container: “output_div”,view:“datatable”,id:“results”,“export”:true, height:600, url:dataUrl };
The problem can be caused by missed output_div container ( it can be missed on the page or not rendered yet)
if you want to change UI dynamicall - it better to user addView | removeView or use mutliview pattern, where both components are initialized and only one of them is visible
Yes, addView | removeView works like a charm. How about adding an external object like Highcharts?
The idea is to have two columns in layout:
col-1 : Parameters
col-2 : Output
Based on selected report type, I can display datatable or pivot in output column using addView. But when the report is an Highcharts object, obviously this approach doesn’t work.