Custom Checkbox

Hi, i’m trying to create a custom checkbox with a css,
here’s the example:
the problem is that the event’s attacched to the checkbox doesn’t work.
help pls

Hi, you need to handle click events on the checkbox to toogle its value.

I suggest creating a custom component that inherits from Webix checkbox but uses its own template and css-specific on_click handler.

Check the snippet, please

Thanks, love you!

Hi how do I use this in an application?

Just copy-paste the protoUI code from the snippet in your app, and use view:“slidebox” instead of view:“checkbox” where necessary ( it has the same API, and can be used in form and other places )

How can use it as an activecontent in a datatable column

Hi @IbrahimShaarany ,

This sample is a bit outdated. The actual implementation is stored at our GitHub as an additional slidebutton component.
It can be used in datatable as any other Webix input:

Please note that starting from Webix 5.2 (scheduled for the end of this month) the similar component will be added in the main library as the ui.switch control.

Many Thanks