Hello !
Really glad you added dark css, it is modern and beautiful.
I use it now on all on my project and discovered that this css isn’t following the same “scheme” than Material or Mini for example, which is kind of confusing for the user.
With Material :
webix_secondary:hover is darker+ than webix_secondary
webix_secondary:pressed is darker++ than webix_secondary:hover
webix_primary:hover is darker+ than webix_primary
webix_primary:pressed is darker++ than webix_primary:hover
With Dark :
webix_secondary:hover : can’t really see the difference with webix_secondary // problem 1
webix_secondary:pressed ok, text becomes purple, user understands that something is happening lol
webix_primary:hover : same than webix_secondary:hover it seems, should be still purple but darker or ligher as you want // problem 2
webix_primary:pressed : ok, purple darker++ than webix_primary
I propose a new css here :