DashBoard factory behaviour in restore

In my opinion factory in restore should behave like factory during drop. If you return false it will work in drag’n’drop but crash using restore.

Hello @Jendrik ,
I can confirm the issue. Thank you for your report. We will fix it.
Could you please clarify your use-case?
In fact, the best solution now is when the factory is called only for what needs to be added.
If you need to prevent further drag-and-drop processing use onBeforeDrop event returning false: https://snippet.webix.com/shkchnkz

The state of the dashboard is saved and restored using restore if the user logs in again. It is possible that the user lost privileges for certain views. I guess we could filter them out before but it seems to be easier doing it centralized in factory

Hello @Jendrik ,
The issue related to Dashboard: returning false in the factory crashes restore has been fixed in the Webix 10.3 version .