I just stumbled upon webix and want to like it a lot. It looks solid but problems arise when I try to integrate with angular.
The documentation states that I should be able to use the config object to move all configuration to the angular controller as per
I have some problems with this, first and foremost the databinding when using the config object method. I play with your examples and have something like this in my config object:
webix_config =
view: ‘datatable’,
autoheight: true,
// autoconfig: true,
{id:“id”, header:“Id”, width:50, sort:“int”},
{id:“title”, header:[ “Film title”,{content:“textFilter”}], fillspace: true }
select: true,
data: $scope.records
Setting the data key to point to $scope.records does not work, updating $scope.records will not update the datatable (or other components using the data key). Furthermore the autoconfig does not seem to if data arrives later than on init. So much for “auto”… Only alternative I can get to work is the markup way of doing things (with div attributes webix-ui view=“datatable” webix-data=“records” …)
The trouble with the markup way is that I cannot find any documentation to how to pass parameters on all the different other views webix supports. For instance fillspace on a column accepts true as a value in the config object but has to be passed as “1” when doing it in markup. I would strongly prefer to set everything up in the config object fashion, with data binding working with angular. Is there some way to support this ?
I would love to convert to a paying customer - fix this and you will make it happen