Datatable cant scroll down

Case scroll:

This is case datatable dont have scroll:

Hello when i use “datatable” inside view “scrollview”. When datatable scroll down its stuck while mouse in datatable. I see when scroll up it scroll item in datatable first then scroll the whole page. I would like scroll down work like that.

How to fix it ?

(If i right, maybe it fixed by webix pro ver 9.2. Pls share a way to fix for version lower than that version. Thank you)

Hello @duynq2197 ,

Yes, there was a fix in the 9.2.2 Webix version .
Here is a workaround: Code Snippet .

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Nice. It’s working fine on Desktop now.

But on mobile it’s seem not working. I cant scroll down. If touch that datatable

Hello @duynq2197 ,

The provided workaround uses “wheel” event that fires only for a wheel button on a pointing device (usually, a mouse). On the touch devices, you could try to apply the similar logic using touch events (such as “touchmove” or “touchend”, etc.).
As a rough example, check this snippet for a 7.0 version: Code Snippet .
There are no event.wheelDelta or event.deltaY in touch events so in the example the delta and touch movement direction are calculated with the help of the e.touches/e.changedTouches.
Also please note that in 7.1 version there were scroll improvements on touch devices. Since that version the block selection works on “long touch” gesture while in 7.0 version “blockselect” could prevent the datatable from scrolling on touch.

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i see it working now. phews. thank you so much <3