I have a datatable with several columns. One is a checkbox.
When I click the checkbox on one row, another column of the same row should change to the actual date (datepicker editor).
Everything is fine except the saving to the datatable. Only the checkbox value is saved to the database (mysql via dhtmlx-php-connector).
See here:
$$("auswertung_datatable_externekosten_projekt").attachEvent("onCheck", function(row, column, state) {
if ((column == "projekt_fremdkosten_abgerechnet") && (state == "1")) {
var item = $$("auswertung_datatable_externekosten_projekt").getItem(row);
item.projekt_fremdkosten_abgerechnet_wann = new Date();
item.projekt_fremdkosten_abgerechnet_von = credentials.user_id;
webix.delay(function() {
$$("auswertung_datatable_externekosten_projekt").updateItem(row, item);
}, 50); /////// THIS DOES NOT WORK