Datatable combo dropdown

Good day,

I’m trying to make a datatable with ‘combo’ , so whenever i choose a Name it will autofill up other columns . My problem is that is shows nothing

I have a list where i load names for testing and then with getPopup() trying to copy it into combo dropdown , but i’m doing something wrong. It shows me an error : TypeError: $$(…) is undefined.

Code Snipped :

My JSON file :

By default, the richselect editor expects options with the identical id and value attributes. In such case the most simple way is to define options separately as

var options = ["Sven", "Martin", "Petra", ... ] //id and value for richselect will be defined automatically

But if you are using the same dataset for the grid and the editor, the only way is to set the custom datatype for options:

Thank you, everything works now !