Datatable export to Excel with hyper link

Hi i have datatable with url links, but when i use export i get regular text. When i use <a href i get it as a text too, is it a way to export to excel with link formation? thanks

Hi @roma

You can use $getExportValue property (which used to export the spreadsheet view math) and add the HYPERLINK method: Code Snippet

Hi @Dmitriy_Slabodchikov it works, but when i open in excel the column is empty

It’s known bug, we will fix it. Anyway, excel will render values after click on Enable Editing

thanks @Dmitriy_Slabodchikov is there a way to display it as like a link blue color with underline ?

You can add class to the column and export with styles: true: Code Snippet

great thank you for your help!

@roma, hi again

it works, but when i open in excel the column is empty

This bug was fixed in webix 9.2.2

But now for a cell with a formula, you need to pass an object {formula, value}: Code Snippet