Datatable Filterhead is rendered wrong


i added a textfilter to the head of my colums and the dont look like they supposed to be:

But when I paste the same code into the snippet it looks like this:

so it works fine. What is going wrong here?

Hello. Most probably it is a CSS conflict. Are you using some other CSS file on the same page?
I can reproduce the issue with vertical-align: top; parameter:


unfortunately the vertical align parameter is set to middle, not top. I am using the standard webix.css file.

And there is no any additional CSS? Seems strange, because locally it works as expected.
As a quick fix, try to set margin-top: 7px; in the CSS

Thank you! Adding the margin-top parameter to the css solved it. I downloaded a new CSS-File to see if mine was corrupted, but unfornutately it was not solving the error. I dont know why this is happening, it doesn’t make sense to me.

But it is fixed now, thanks!