Datatable live update with faye

Hello ,

So i’ve watched the Websockets (Faye) chat example and Is it possible to do the datatable live update with Faye?

So that people will see updated datatable whenever the CRUD operations will be made.

I hope i understand it right.
So to make live data updates to work , clients should subscribe to a channel where the updates will be published. In webix we create those channels by adding
faye-> to url: and save: .

Right now i have url: “DB.json”, where my json data are stored,
and save: “/Page2” , a HTTP URL.

In my case , the page with datatable is not being loaded when i write
url: “faye->/DB.json”
save: “faye->/Page2”

My question is , how can i create a channel and in the same time load data in the Table and save it ?