Datatable multiselect problem

Hi all,

I had a datatable working with multiselect a little while ago then went on to make quite a few more changes to my Webix application. Some time between the last time I checked and now, multiselect just stopped working. Does anyone know what might have caused this?

Some of the changes I’ve made that affected the datatable in question are:

  • Synced it and another datatable with a single DataCollection
  • Bound it to a form
  • Pulling database info for an item upon selection
  • Updated the Webix library to 3.0.1

However, I’ve tried individually undoing all but the last, and multiselect still not work again. I’ve also noticed that while ctrl+click just acts like a normal click now, shift+click is acting strangely now. Doing a shift+click will act like a normal click if the item I click is below the currently selected item (or if no item was previously selected), but it will not let me select any items that appear above the currently selected on in the datatable. This seems to depend on the current position in the table rather than order added as the same thing applies even after I rearrange the list with drag and drop.


shift+click and ctrl+click have never worked for multiselect:

multiselect just stopped working

Could you please share some snippet ?

I meant multiselect for datatables. I.e. selecting multiple items at once in a datatable (“multiselect: true”).
Unfortunately, I can’t provide a snippet as I’d have to put up a lot of code

We have not reproduced the problem. Please create a demo snippet.

Hi there,

I had the same issue, when I was implementing new things, The once working multiselect datatable stopped working.

Do the following:

  1. Make sure when you click more than a row in the datatable they are really selected. you can confirm this using the code below.

–##–add this to the datatable

onSelectChange: function ()
var text = "Selected: " + this.getSelectedId(true).join();


you will see an alert with concatenated ids while clicking (This is a proof multiselect is working.)

  1. If you are not able to process the selected records from the datatable by some UI action . This is because while doing cut & copy some variables are not properly renamed or presence of duplicate elements name or another form of duplication.

Good luck ,
Happy programming.