How would you setup the table to fill 100% of it’s parent by default?
I understand from looking at the documentation I’d have to adjust the grid on window resize. But even then I can’t get it to fill 100%.
How would you setup the table to fill 100% of it’s parent by default?
I understand from looking at the documentation I’d have to adjust the grid on window resize. But even then I can’t get it to fill 100%.
Try to use fillspace for column(s) sizing:
This property allows to set width relative to width of other columns. In this case, you can avoid using fixed sizes.
The demo in your Webix package:
If you are attaching a view to the body, you need not do anything special, this is a default behavior.
If you are attaching a view to some custom html container you can use code like next
webix.event(window, "resize", function(){