Lately I’ve been using angular in one of my projects and while I add a url to datatable(like url: “rest->/api/secure/users”), webix makes ajax request twice. I have read somewhere that one of my view is not destructed totally, but I’m not sure. I’m also using ui-router. Any help would be appreciated!
The “url” property is processed one time only when a component is rendered first time. Normally it must not be called twice.
It is possible that due to some specific on angular based init, this component is rendered twice. ( angular repaints the top level block due to some data changes, or something similar ) In such case the component will be fully reinitialized and as result will send second request for data.
Thank you for your response. The fact is that when I create webix components in html and not in javascript, the ajax request fires only once, but the problem is that I don’t know to fix some issues on html(like elementsConfig in form, event handling in form, etc). Could you possibly help me with any snippet? Thank You so much.
If you have a sample or demo link, please send me a message, where it can be checked. It is hard to suggest anything without ability to reconstruct the issue.
I can confirm that the view is not completely destructed and that’s why I’m trying to destruct it again, but no results so far. I’m also using statechanges but still no success. Anyone has any idea? Thank You…