Having dragColumn:‘order’ and resizeColumn:true causes some inconsistent behaviour in the datatable. When trying to resize a column, if not carefuly and slowly resized, it will try to move the column.
As seen in: http://webix.com/snippet/4e297f07
Having dragColumn:‘order’ and resizeColumn:true causes some inconsistent behaviour in the datatable. When trying to resize a column, if not carefuly and slowly resized, it will try to move the column.
As seen in: http://webix.com/snippet/4e297f07
Both handlers are using the same action (drag and move), so it is not practical to use them both in the same time.
I can confirm the issue, but fixing it will not improve behavior a lot, as it will require a precise action. Some users who may want to resize column will end moving column and visa verse.