dataview sort element by columns

How can I change the position order of the elements in “dataview”?
Now elements get up one after another in a line, like this:

|a b c d e…|
|f g h i j…|
|k l…|

means window size

It is necessary for me that the elements arranged in a column, like this:

|a f k…|
|b g l…|
|c h …|
|d i…|

e j…

Mey be “dataview” is not the right tool for this?
I try use “list”, but there is no multi columns mode in “list”…
It is necessary that the number of columns calculate base on the window heights, and change when resizing.

It is necessary that the number of columns calculate base on the window heights, and change when resizing.

It’s a default behavior if xCount and/or yCount are disabled (set to 0):

As for the mentioned elements order, I can only suggest creating a complex sorting function, but Webix does not provide any built-in solution for such task.

Thank you very much for response.
Very sad :frowning:
Maybe we can find some tricks with “list” to make it multi columns, or use several “list” as columns. Meybe you have some ideas that will push me in to right way. protoUI or something